
40. What are Landmarks

16 February 2023

Landmarks in HTML5 are special ARIA roles that help users of assistive technologies, such as screen readers, navigate web content more efficiently. Landmarks provide a way to identify and describe different regions of a web page, such as the header, main content, footer, navigation, etc.

Here are some of the most common landmarks in HTML5:

Header: Represents the header of a page or section of a page. Nav: Represents a section of a page that contains navigation links. main: Represents the main content of a page. article: Represents a self-contained composition in a document, such as a blog post, forum post, or news story. section: Represents a standalone section of a document, such as a chapter, tabbed content, or timeline. aside: Represents a section of a page that contains content that is tangentially related to the main content. footer: Represents the footer of a page or section of a page. By using landmarks in your HTML code, you can improve the accessibility of your website and make it easier for users of assistive technologies to navigate and understand the content of your pages. Additionally, some screen readers have built-in commands that allow users to quickly jump between landmarks, making it easier to find the content they're looking for.

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